

JH的新闻 & 指南 | By 珍妮特蠢蛋,教育记者


教师 praises graduates for their mettle, multitasking.
乐天堂app’s graduating nursing class applauds 诺兰·斯奎尔·杰尼克 after he was recognized Saturday at the school’s graduation ceremony at the National Museum of Wildlife Art. Nineteen students, including eight nursing students, graduated from the 乐天堂app campus of CWC. 艾琳·伯克/新闻&指南

那是一次亲密的朋友聚会, family and faculty at Saturday’s 乐天堂app’s graduation, hosted Saturday at the National Museum of Wildlife Art.

And while graduates stood on stage — newly minted caregivers and educators, chefs and business leaders — each professor carefully carved out a moment to showcase the extraordinary work, dedication and often unseen efforts of every graduate.

“Danny is the type of chef you can trust with anything,贾斯汀·斯通说, 酒店项目主管, 即将毕业的烹饪专业学生丹尼·加西亚·桑托斯. “He tackles his work with enthusiasm and with a relentless attention to detail, 从平凡到奢华. He can be counted on to deliver this energy in a kitchen with measured steadfastness and quiet confidence,斯通说。, who added that Garcia-Santos also worked a full-time job while attending school.

Maria Sanchez and Anahi Garcia embrace after Sanchez received her B.A.S. degree in 幼儿教育 at the 乐天堂app’s graduation ceremony Saturday at the National Museum of Wildlife Art. 艾琳·伯克/新闻&指南
Trevor Matuszek pats his diploma Saturday at 乐天堂app’s graduation ceremony at the National Museum of Wildlife Art. 艾琳·伯克/新闻&指南

This year, 乐天堂app in 乐天堂app graduated 19 students including eight nursing students. Maria Fernanda Sanchez-Franco was the first student at the 乐天堂app campus to graduate with the Bachelor of Applied Science degree in Organizational Management and 领导; a newer degree offering from CWC.

Maria Fernanda Sanchez-Franco also graduated with a four-year degree in 幼儿教育. Others graduated with degrees in computer technology, 健康科学和酒店餐厅管理.

“平衡显示器需要奉献精神, coursework and college classes and all the other extracurricular activities involved,柯尔斯滕·卡普报道, 生物科学教授, 谈到即将毕业的学生凯瑟琳·芒格时说.

Brad Tyndall and Susan Durfee embrace as Durfee comes to the podium following announcement of her retirement Saturday at the 乐天堂app’s graduation ceremony held at the National Museum of Wildlife Art. 艾琳·伯克/新闻&指南

芒格是兄弟姐妹中最大的一个. She is a homeschooled student in Star Valley who earned her high school diploma while also earning an associate’s degree in health science from 乐天堂app. She said the degree was a stepping stone for her to head to medical school.

Kapp praised Munger as a student that others looked forward to working with and for her maturity in navigating collegiate hallways as a high school student.

乐天堂app can be an educational melting pot, 提供合适的能量组合, 指导和热情使学生, regardless of where they are on their life’s journey, 能驾驭自己的个人教育成功吗.

“温蒂的故事是一个坚持不懈的故事, 勇气和决心,布列塔尼·耶茨说, 商学院院长, 技术, 健康与安全.

Wendy Mayte Gaona Labra graduated that afternoon with a degree in Accounting and Bookkeeping.

“The faculty and staff have all said that it is through hard work and a strong commitment that brings you here today,耶茨说. “温迪, today you get to show your children and countless others that it is never too late to do what you want and that getting started is just as important as finishing.”

8名学生获得了他们的“徽章”,” a significant emblem in the nursing community signifying that they are ready to work on the frontlines of health care, Professors of Nursing Lacey Gibbens and Anna Baler praised the graduating class for their courage.

Nathan Henglefelt pins recognition of Kaysha Henglefelt’s nursing degree on her as their daughters, 廷斯利和凯撒, look on Saturday at the 乐天堂app’s graduation ceremony held at the National Museum of Wildlife Art.

“As health care instructors of future health care superheroes, we stand here today as witnesses to the culmination of hard work, 奉献和承诺,吉本斯说. “You’re accepting the challenge to carry the weight of the world on your shoulders. 字面上的.”

As each student was called by Gibbens and Baler to receive their pin, a chosen member of their family or a friend came to the stage to “pin” the newly minted nurse.

社区学院的校长, Brad Tyndall was on hand during the ceremony to offer congratulations to the graduates. He also gifted CWC Director Susan Durfee with the title of “Dean.”

Durfee announced at the graduation event that after 16 years at the 乐天堂app campus, 她就要退休了.

“教育才是真正的未来,”廷德尔说. “教育可以带来变革. It’s transforming lives and strengthening communities. 苏珊体现了关爱的使命.”

Nicole Provencher turns her tassel to her left side after graduating Saturday from the 乐天堂app’s nursing program at the college’s ceremony held at the National Museum of Wildlife Art.





史黛西. 便雅悯 护理学副学士

亚洲L. 管家, 酒店及餐厅管理

杰西卡斯蒂略, 幼儿教育

安德鲁J. Eckl, 护理学副学士

Wendy Mayte Gaona Labra, 会计记账

爱德华多·加西亚·拉莫斯, 计算机技术

丹尼尔"丹尼"加西亚-桑托斯, 烹饪艺术

玛丽亚·玛格丽塔·戈麦斯·弗里亚斯 烹饪艺术

Kaysha Raelynne Hengelfelt, 护理学副学士

劳伦E. 开始, 护理学副学士


马修·尤金·柯比, 护理学副学士


特雷弗•Matuszek 护理学副学士

凯瑟琳·达琳·芒格, 健康科学

Nicole Jeanette Provencher, 护理学副学士

艾米丽T. 理查兹, Bachelor of Applied Science degree in Organizational Management and 领导

玛丽亚·费尔南达·桑切斯·佛朗哥, 幼儿教育

凯文年代. Susano, 技术研究:心理学和商业